Obey Propaganda Clothing


A few years when I first noticed people walking around in clothing and accessories that simply said “Obey” I was suspicious, and curious. Those who I’d stop and ask “Obey what? would meet me with a blank expression. “What?” they’d ask. “Your -insert hat or shirt here- says ‘Obey’…Obey what?” A dim bulb would light up behind their eyes “Ohh! That! I dunno. It’s just a -insert hat or shirt-” Idiots thinking they’re cool. I knew what the answer was. I just wanted to see if the wearers had an inkling. They never did. Obey the NWO. Obey evil. Ask no questions. Just do as you’re told. Obey. Retards promoting this dark agenda.

As time progressed and the so-called fashion-line grew in popularity, they came right out with what it is they want us to obey.

Image Image

ImageJust as I’d suspected.

Around Obey’s beginnings, there was this face often associated with their merchandise, as well as some strange campaign from the creator Shepard Fairey (strange name and I hope he’s no distant relative of mine, as my family name used to be spelled Faerie). At first I thought it might have been inspired by Gene Simmons, The Demon, from Kiss, but apparently it’s supposed to be Andre the Giant, a former wrestler.

Image Image ImageImageDecide for yourself who you think the image more resembles.

Shepard was an artist used for propaganda campaigns, and he still creates such art which is featured on Obey’s website under a section fittingly called Propaganda.


The asian girl doesn’t appear too bad, though surely there’s a hidden nefarious message. My guess would be “Don’t fight the impending war. Just ignore it and it’ll go away.” Which it won’t. It’ll just be that much easier for Them to take over as we’ll all be compliant and “obey”. The woman in the image beside her is rather odd, with her goddess look, Bohemian Grove owl around her neck and pentagram on her head. She makes me think of Starbucks.


This piece of “art” speaks volumes. Dual/Mirror imaging (representative of dual personalities, or “twinning”), pentagrams with demonic “Andre” eyes and wings, Illuminati pyramids complete with the All-Seeing Eye so there’s no mistaking who, or what, he’s working for, goddess-like nude women flashing various hand-signs, the sun-or Horus-smack dab in the middle of moon phases, more All-Seeing Eyes and various symbols. Very strange and suspicious picture.


Seriously? “This is your God”? Are they referring to the dead-ite or the image of Andre that Death is holding up? As for the They Live reference, have you seen that movie? Or at least have a clue as to what the movie is about? Rather than re-hashing the plot and to save myself more typing, I instead recommend you check out The Vigilant Citizens report on it at http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/they-live-the-weird-movie-with-a-powerful-message/ As for the “Mondo and Obey Present”, I’m reminded of a fantastic and prophetic movie (the prophecy has been steadily coming true for years) that sadly flew under the radar

ImageMondo was the name of one of the mega-companies in the movie. They’d ask customers if they wanted to “Mondo Size”



On the surface this appears to be a positive message. I know that its not. The paintbrushes, for example, represent twin columns, the woman represents a goddess, there’s subtle mirror imaging, peace signs are not actually significant of peace-we’ve been misinformed on that, and by brain-washing us to be peaceful people we are less likely to fight for our freedom. Remember, “Obey”?


All-Seeing Eye, Satanic red and black colouring, and need I comment on the message boldly stated on this?




Not even going to get into these last ones.

The promotional images for the Obey clothing wear are just as disturbing as the clothing line and the “art”


Don’t sleep. It makes you easier to control and too weak to disobey.


Wow, got the Andre pentagram right in the All-Seeing eye with the red and black colours plus the mirror imagery.


Satanic thunderbolt boot (with “America’s” Eagle emblem on the sole) about to crush 26 gun-men. Again with the red and black.


Mirror imaging, black and red, black and white, crying over money, mini Andre pentagrams


All-Seeing Eye, blatant messaging


Probably one of their more subtle ads. I find it strange how in a few of their ads they request that consumers not wear Obey clothing.


Yes, Obey us and shop now. We want your money. Be like the dead-eyed model in this picture.


Obey the Satanic world’s propaganda.

The clothing itself, of course, is promoting a negative agenda, and quite often the photographers get the models to Obey by having them pose in a way that supports the same agenda.


Emphasis on the one eye


666 around the one eye, you can barely see her Obey toque.


Hand in crotch, hair obscuring one eye, flashing devil horns


Eagle earring, she’s not just winking-it’s all about the one-eye thing


Again covering the one eye

Not all models pose in the “subtle” manner paying tribute to their evil ruler, some of the images I found aren’t even models-just regular people who wear the clothes well despite their ignorance to what they’re supporting (such as the girl below). It seems the flashier the clothes, the less the models need to pose. The ones above were all in more simple clothing. Sometimes they don’t even use models.



I suppose it’s considered “cool” to represent devil worship and poison?


This one is sadly accurate, as we’ve all become too attached to technology. I’ve always said that technology is evil and the so-called “advancements” we’ve made are actually holding us back. However, I’m a hypocrite because I “plug in” to technology as well. They track us through our computers and cellphones. They know I’m typing this, They know if you’re reading this. They know where you are through your cellphone, They even record your conversations even if you aren’t using your phone at that moment. They read all your texts and emails. They’ve invaded our lives, and we’ve allowed it to happen because we “need” our cellphones and laptops.



Oh yes, trust in the people telling you to Obey the Illuminated. They’re united with eachother, therefore if you support their power, you’ll be united with them as well. HA!! They just want to be united with your money.


Wasted Youth on this ridiculous culture of Death. But at least they were obedient to the propaganda!


They’re a posse now. That makes them even more cool.


Animal print=sex kitten programming. Sex kittens Obey their handlers.


O-Beyonce? Put an arrow through Beyonce? Beyonce wants you to put an arrow through yourself? She is affectionately known as Bey by some. Obedience is hollow and will get you killed? I don’t get it.


We only dream alone while sleeping due to the simple fact that dreams are in our heads. We can choose to share those dreams with others, and quite often others share their dreams with us. That “we dream alone” statement is designed to make us feel isolated.


This last one is obviously not Obey Propaganda, however it’s disturbing nonetheless. In case you can’t read the smaller words on the vapid eyed models large breasts, it says “I used to care. I take a pill for that now.” I’m not sure what the picture on her left tit is though. A globe, I think?

Unfortunately such “fashion statement” clothing lines aren’t disappearing any time soon. Instead, it appears more and more propaganda/agenda lines are popping up everywhere and people keep buying into it thinking its trendy and cool. Most of them are asleep and don’t even question the message they’re promoting, or beLIEve the message is something entirely different.




http://www.ask.com/question/what-s-the-meaning-behind-the-obey-clothing-line they’re completely misinformed on the meaning of the clothing line…but they were correct about Andre the Giant


http://www.ask.com/question/what-s-the-meaning-behind-the-obey-clothing-line (misinformed people when it comes to the meaning)



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